Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My Daughter's First Raw Vegan Lunch Experience

Feeling so much better today. It's amazing what a good night's sleep will do for your mood and mental clarity! I slept from 10 pm to 7 am. Nine hours of sleep seems to be my magic number. I believe everybody is different and has their own sleep needs. My body just really loves and needs sleep to feel optimal.

Today I followed a Raw Vegan breakfast and lunch. Actually, now that I'm thinking of it, technically I think I am considered a Raw Vegetarian, because I still love my milk! I still drink coffee 2-3 times daily and add a bit of 2% organic milk in there…yum!

I tried a social experiment on my children today. I decided that I will begin serving them fresh fruit in the morning. For now, I will include it into their current breakfast, so that the change can be more gradual and organic. I want them to choose these better options naturally. But I feel like it's my job to put it in front of them, a lot! Constantly! ;-)

So this morning I served them a bit of organic cereal with organic whole milk and oranges on the side. My daughter went for the fruit first…yay! My son ate them at the end of his meal. Still yay!

For lunch, I served my daughter her first raw vegan lunch. She said something quite funny.
"Mommy, this isn't lunch."
My fault. They're used to me serving them something cooked first, with their veggies on the side. Almost like an option. Today, it was the main course. And she ate it! Not all of it but she tried everything! Feels awesome. She ate a big bowl of diced cucumbers, yellow bell peppers and grapes. I made her  a side salad with avocado dressing, which she tasted and spit right out. We'll try another side tomorrow.

My son went to school with a thermos of warm roasted potatoes, which he loves. Not raw, but still a veggie in my book. He also had a side of diced cucumbers and sliced bananas. I did cave in and include a home-made chocolate chip muffin as a snack because he has recently lost a bit of weight. I need to work on getting him to like more natural fats like avocado and coconuts so that we can begin including these in his lunches instead. He does really like peanut butter and almonds, but unfortunately isn't allowed to bring them to school because of nut allergies in his classroom. Total bummer. But ya' know what? I just tell myself…

You're Ok Momma.

"Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches." (Proverbs 24:3-4)


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Welcome to My Random Rants! Raw Vegan and Paleo Experience

Today marks day 7 of eating Raw Vegan during the major part of the day. One week total.

I began this blog to journal my experiences and to share them with you. It's my hope that they may serve a higher purpose. That these entries may bless you and help you see that you are not alone. In fact,

You're Ok Momma.

"It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Eating Fully Raw Vegan means you are consuming only fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. I have been doing this for my breakfast, lunches and snacks for one week. Around 4 pm or so, I begin introducing cooked grains and starches. I also have not consumed any meats during this time.

I used Fully Raw Kristina, Freelee the Banana Girl, and Rawvana on Youtube as sources of ideas and motivation during this time.

The first three days I felt awesome! Alive, invincible, and overall in a fabulous mood!
Today however, I feel tired. I also have a slight headache. I also went to bed late last night, so that may have something to do with it!
During this week, I have been coughing up mucous every morning. It is super bazaar and something that I normally never experience, which makes me wonder if my body is detoxing.

The other scary side effect is that I have GAINED almost 4 pounds in this week! Yikes! I began this experiment with the hopes that I would look a bit rosier because I was eating Paleo for about 8-9 months and was losing too much weight. I was starting to look frail and people were noticing. I was noticing.

I didn't like the way my face and complexion looked in pictures. I looked older and pale. I know I shouldn't complain. I should be grateful. I'm healthy. My family is healthy. We're blessed. But I was not feeling like myself. You know what I mean?

I thought eating raw vegan would bring back much needed nutrients. In just one week, I've been told my skin looks like it's glowing. I feel better and I like the way my complexion looks. However, the weight gain seems a bit much for such a short period of time. I'll have to keep an eye on that!

In any case, I question if I should continue this experiment for another week. We shall see…
